Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal Wins Vote of Confidence Dev Raj Ghimire KP Sharma Oli

Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal Wins Vote of Confidence Dev Raj Ghimire KP Sharma Oli

Nepal PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal Wins Vote of Confidence: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda’s power has once again been seen in Nepal. He has managed to win the trust vote for the third time in the last 14 months. President Devraj Ghimire says that PM Prachanda got 157 votes during the elections. At the same time, about 110 MPs voted against him.

The Parliament Secretary says that 268 out of 275 members were present on the spot during voting. PM Prachanda has received the support of UML, Rashtriya Swatantra Party, CPN (Unified Socialist) and some independent MPs. Earlier, PM Prachanda had parted ways with the Nepali Congress and formed an alliance with other parties including the Communist Party of Nepal.

With the support of CPN-UML, he became the Prime Minister in December 2022, but within just 2 months, he broke the alliance and joined hands with Nepali Congress. In March 2023, he won the trust vote for the second time with the support of Nepali Congress and after this inducted ministers from the party, but his relations with Nepali Congress were not good.

In the first week of March, Prachanda broke his alliance with the Nepali Congress and subsequently formed an alliance with the UML and other parties, which some described as a pro-Beijing alliance. UML Chairman KP Oli made it clear that China had no role in the recent change of power.

He completely rejected all those speculations in which it was being said that China has brought the Communist Party government in Nepal. He further said, “We are the ones who have formed this alliance.” Addressing the House meeting, he said that it becomes mandatory to get the trust vote. This is necessary for economic development and political stability.

The Prime Minister further said, “I need the help of Parliament to be proud of nationalism, self-respect and sovereignty. I assure the House that many startups and industrial activities will be promoted in the country in the coming days.” He further said that with the beginning of self-governance, people’s faith in democracy has been restored. Due to self-governance and public service, people’s faith in the country has strengthened.

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